
Cause and Origin Analysis

Photo1Following an incident which results in a loss, it is necessary to ascertain the cause and origin of the loss to permit the adjuster to determine whether the incident is a covered loss under the policy.

This process is technical and scientific and while the details vary considerably from one incident to another, involves the following components:

  • A review of any photographs taken by the insured and their representatives, and any information available prior to the time of the first site visit
  • A site visit as close as possible to the time of the incident to review site conditions
  • Access as available following site safety rules and considerations, including possible equipment and manpower to gain additional access
  • Data collection, both overview and detailed
  • Interviews of site personnel
  • Photo2 Physical and electronic evidence collection for preservation and /or testing and analysis
  • Review and analysis of data and any test results
  • Finalization of evidence supporting the cause and origin hypothesis / conclusion
  • Final report