
Business Interruption Engineering Analysis and Litigation Support

Business Interruption Engineering Analysis

photo1Engineering analysis of plant processes affected by an incident will provide a reliable basis for financial calculations which quantify business interruption losses.

An engineer familiar with plant processes catalysts and feedstock economics as well as factors that can impact product quality and quantity can provide technical backup for business interruption loss calculations.

The factors taken into account for this analysis include:

  • Technical reasons for production capacity and quality trends pre-incident
  • Projection of production capacity and quality had the incident not occurred
  • Damage to plant chemical processes (catalysts, etc.) vs. normal operation
  • The impact of process workarounds on production
  • The effect of the incident on the timing of potential plant shutdowns/turnarounds
  • The impact of possible sister plant production sharing
  • Alternative operational modes

Litigation Support

photo2For a variety of reasons, there are times when the best efforts of insurers and the insured to reach a satisfactory resolution fail and the settlement process moves towards litigation while negotiations continue.

Our damage assessments, cost estimates and schedules have stood up to detailed scrutiny in claims litigation and resolution.

Our litigation support has included extensive document review and analysis for a large and complex loss.